Treat Zinc & Manganese Deficiency in Plants with Micros Z

Micros Z Benefits For Plants

Ameliorates the effect of Glyphosate in soil

Highly plant-available source

Treatment for Zinc deficiency in plants

Addresses Manganese deficiency in plants
Micros Z Product Details

Micros Z Technical Information
Micros Z is a liquid fertiliser for correcting plant and soil deficiencies. It contains a number of important trace elements:
- Manganese (Mn)
- Iron (Fe)
- Copper (Cu)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Carbon monoxide (Co)
- Molybdenum (Mo)
- Boron (B)
- Potassium (K)
- Sulphur (S)
The amount of trace elements found in soil is often so small that they are barely detectable, but without them, plants become deficient and fail to thrive.
Micros Z application
As a foliar Zinc fertiliser and Manganese nutrient for plants, Micros Z can be applied as a foliar, soil and seed treatment application. Consult our distributors for details on suitable application rates, frequencies and methods for your specific crop and growing system.
Micros Z is particularly effective when used in combination with Cal B Z.
Group 2 Fertiliser, Act 36 of 1947 – Registration # B4494
Click here to see the product label.
Click here to see the MSDS.
Invest in your soil and plant’s brix levels
Frequently Asked Questions
The function of Zinc in a plant is to help the plant produce chlorophyll.