NanoCal Calcium for Plants & Crops

Benefits Of NanoCal for Plants

Contains additional amino acids and chelated trace elements

Improve crop yield & quality

Healthy, vigorous plant growth
NanoCal Improved Calcium Uptake Benefits

Calcium is a critical secondary nutrient in plants. Calcium for crops is an essential additive to ensure optimal growth and health. As calcium does not relocate within the plant, NanoCal serves as a consistent calcium source for application throughout the growing season.
By applying NanoCal, your crops will benefit from:
- Increased firmness in fruit or flesh
- Better uniformity in maturity
- Increased yield and colouring
- Reduction in calcium deficiency-based physiological disorders, chlorosis, and stunted growth
- Improved shelf life and storability
- Increased plant health and resilience at a cellular level
Calcium in the soil also makes for improved water penetration.
NanoCal Product Details
Invest in your soil and plant’s calcium levels
Frequently Asked Questions
Calcium is an essential element to crop functioning. It is taken up through the fine hair roots of the plants. Any calcium applied to crops needs to be made highly available to plants to correct deficiencies. NanoCal’s micronised particle size addresses some of the shortcomings of larger-sized particles found in other calcium sources, and is thus one of the best sources of calcium for plants.