Amino K™ Organic Amino Acids for Plants

Amino K™ Amino Acid Benefits For Plants
Amino K provides a range of amino acids and metabolites as a result of a fermentation process. The organic amino acids facilitate the process of building proteins in the plant.

Stimulates soil microorganisms

Provides a range of amino acids

Provides a source of Potassium

Facilitates efficient forming of proteins
Amino K™ Product Details

Providing organic amino acids for plants
Amino K is a liquid soil ameliorant providing an amino acid supplement for plants. It is a natural by-product of the sugar industry as the end-product of yeast fermentation of molasses.
Traditionally, molasses is a good soil food, but only in low volumes. Amino K endows soil microbes with the benefits of metabolites while retaining the more complex chain sugars and brix levels associated with molasses without the limitations, contributing to overall soil health.
Amino K™ Application
Amino K can be applied as a foliar, soil and seed treatment application. It can be applied to all crops across all areas of South Africa.
Amino K™ Technical Information
Invest in your soil and plant’s brix levels
Frequently Asked Questions
Amino K is a liquid soil ameliorant that acts as an amino acid supplement for plants. Amino K is formed as a natural by-product of the sugar industry. It is the end-product of yeast fermentation of molasses.